Find a Great Caregiver at, a caregiver solutions company based in the United States, provides a service to registered members that allows them to search through their large databases for caregivers. Signing up to join is quite easy and the process only takes a few moments to complete. Joining and basic membership is completely free. Finding a qualified, affordable babysitter or nanny in your area that is available can be quite a challenge. Luckily, there is a service called that can help put you in touch with the best caregivers in your area. Signing up to join is absolutely free and the service is easy to use. You can browse through listings in your area or post a notice regarding the type of service you need.

Founded in 2006 and based in Waltham, Massachusetts, is a caregiver solutions corporation that helps put caregivers and their prospective employers in touch with one another. The company is one of the fastest growing in the field, already raising nearly $60 million in venture capital. The company primarily helps families find caregivers for children, but it also provides services for seniors, homes and pets. How can you find a great nanny or babysitter at

  • Requirements
    1. A computer with internet access.
    2. A valid email address.
    3. For best results, you should be in North America, since this is where the company is based.
  • Step-By-Step Guide
    1. Go to the website at related link 1 below.
    2. In the section marked, “Join Free Today!” enter the kind of service you are looking for, your name, address, email address, choose a password of at least six characters in length, and then select how you heard of the website from the drop-down menu. Finally, click on the button marked, “Join Now.”
    3. Complete your account profile as directed.
    4. Begin browsing through listings for caregivers in your area as directed.
    5. If you have any questions about or its services, please refer to the FAQ at related link 2 below.
Related Links

  1. website:
  2. FAQ:

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