Subscribe to Entertainment Weekly's Free Newsletter

Entertainment Weekly, America’s most popular entertainment and media news and reviews magazine, offers a service to visitors of its official website that allows them to subscribe to a free newsletter. Just by entering a valid email address and zip code, anyone can receive regular newsletters with all the latest Hollywood news and reviews delivered right to his or her email address By subscribing to Entertainment Weekly’s regular newsletters, you can get all the latest news, gossip and buzz about what is going on in the world of entertainment and media delivered right to your email address. What’s more, it is totally free and you can customize what kind of information you want to get. The subscription process is quick and simple and won’t cost you a thing.
About Entertainment Weekly

Established in 1990 and based in New York City, Entertainment Weekly is America’s most popular magazine specializing in news and critical reviews of entertainment and media. The magazine is published weekly and has a circulation of about 1.7 million readers. The magazine regularly interviews media stars as well as offers its staff picks of the best the world of entertainment has to offer. How can you subscribe to Entertainment Weekly’s free Newsletter to get the latest entertainment news?

  • Requirements
    1. A computer with internet access.
    2. You must have a valid email address.
    3. You must have the zip code of your mailing address handy.
  • Step-By-Step Guide
    1. Go to the Entertainment Weekly website at related link 1 below.
    2. Scroll down to the very bottom of the page and then click on the link marked, “Newsletters,” in the section labeled, “EW to go.”
    3. Enter your email address and zip code in the required fields and then tick the boxes to indicate what kind of new alerts, newsletters and updates you would like to receive from Entertainment Weekly. Next, click on the button marked, “Sign Up.”
    4. Complete the sign up process as directed.
    5. If you have any questions about Entertainment Weekly or the services it offers through its website, please refer to the Entertainment Weekly Customer Service webpage at related link 2 below.
Related Links

  1. Entertainment Weekly website:
  2. Entertainment Weekly Customer Service:

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