Search And Apply For A Job At

Online job search and application at is a service provided by Macy's. is a giant database of all the available positions at Macy's all across the country. This website allows you to search for the kind of position that's right for you in your area and then apply for it online. Both full-time and part-time positions are available in all areas of the company: corporate, support and retail. By searching and applying for a job at, you can find a job you like with a leader in the fashion retail industry. It is easy and convenient to use since you can finish all the processes online.
About Macy's

With over 800 retail locations around the country, Macy's is one of America's most trusted department stores. It has over 150 years' experience providing Americans with excellent department store service. They have plenty of openings for all different kinds of positions all over the United States. How Can You Search and Apply for a Job at

  • Requirements
    1. You need to have a computer with internet access.
    2. You must be a legal resident of the United States and legal to work in the country.
  • Step-By-Step Guide
    1. Go to the website at:
    2. Click on the tab marked "Apply" in the upper right hand corner of the webpage.
    3. If this is your first time applying online for a job at, click on the button marked "New User."
    4. To create a new account as a new user, click on the button marked "Create a New Account."
    5. Accept the terms and conditions by clicking on the button marked "I Accept."
    6. Create a User Name and Password, enter your e-mail address and click on the button marked "Register."
    7. Log in to your new account.
    8. Select a Job Function (the type of job you want) from the drop down menu. Then select the State you live in from the second drop down menu. Click on the link marked "Search."
    9. Apply for a new job. Good luck!
Related Links

  1. Website:
  2. Opportunities Information Website:
  3. Macy's Website:

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